Porn. Not only it is a sin for many men and women, but it also is a very lucrative industry, it’s a 10 billion dollar industry.
The adult industry is not only limited to video, it also includes adult dating sites, sex toys, cam sites, all very lucrative businesses these days.
Despite the difficulties that every business has, the adult industry is the perfect one to make money with the least time and resources spent.
How to Promote Porn
The adult industry is very Sammy.
There are only very few guides which teach people how to advertise in the adult industry on the Internet, and the only ones come from a couple of profiles of affiliate marketing forums. The anonymity makes it easier for them to distribute information which is not credible, so always question information on these forums.
Advertising in the adult industry is somewhat different from the other industries, for example, ads in porn do better when they look amateurish and use bad language.
The most controversial and ridiculous ads do best and this makes sense psychologically.
When people watch porn they seek instant gratification, that’s why these ads work best.
The point is that your affiliate intuition isn’t going to work so well here and you will need to do a lot testing to strangely the best ads which convert, which strangely aren’t what you would expect.
Targeting the audience is also important in porn advertising.
Geotargeting too, especially if you are in the dating business.
Typically, marketers divide countries in 3 tiers, where the 1st tier countries are USA, France etc, and the 3rd tied countries are the ones where the competition is lower, but also the profit potentials are lower.
If you are an average affiliate, you would better go for the 2nd tier countries. They are still very lucrative, you could make a profit of hundreds of dollars a day.
These countries are Norway, Canada, Denmark, Sweden, Brazil, and the Netherlands.
After you choose your target country, consider using some sort of VPN to enter competitor’s sites from your target country location. Check what type of ads successful sites are running on that country.
Now run some split A/B tests testing which kind of ads work and expect to lose some money until you have a conclusion on what works best.
What’s the Best Method to Promote Porn?
Content marketing works good for me and I also build niche sites until they have a few thousands pages indexed. Combine this with social media promotion, it takes time but it works. I don’t use adult auto-blogs but I know that they work.
How to Promote Your Porn Site: 10 Ways to Get Free Traffic
The best way is to create a blog about each video: a SEO optimize title, and fact about the video like “who is that hot chick”, “which porn movie is it from”, and if you don’t know anything about the video, make stuff up, chances are people will also now know. Basically for every video, you should create a blog post which includes stuff about the video and link it to the video, also share it on social media.
YouTube also works well: upload the censured video on YouTube and the uncensored video on your site.
Typical Ad Networks
As you may know, Google Adsense is not the network to monetize adult content, it doesn’t allow any type of adult content.
Some adult ads networks are JuicyAds, Ero-Advertising, TrafficStars, TrafficJunky and ExoClick.
You will have to find the right network for you.
You also need to decide whether you will optimize your site.
Don’t forget to also optimize for the mobile, many people use dating apps and other kind of adult material on their phones.
>> Learn How to Create Porn Site Here <<
As you may know the adult niche is felled with spamming and black hat methods, but a sound affiliate would know how to make a fortune in this industry.
It has a bad reputation which goes more for porn sites than dating sites.
If you do your homework and pay attention, the adult niche in affiliate marketing can be an awesome business opportunity that can turn into ridiculous amounts of money on a fairly modest budget.
Is it Worth to Start an Adult Site?
It is worth it because they are easy to set up, easy to bring traffic to and easy to maintain (if you go for a free porn site not for a paid one). How much money you are going to make depends on how you are monetizing your site, what kind of traffic you are getting and how much traffic you are getting.
Leave out moral constraints and be an adult affiliate strictly for business.
Well, everybody watches porn and if you get off to it, you should have any problems making money off it.