Vitaly Websites: How a YouTube Prankster Vitaly Builds His Online Empire Through Vitaly Uncensored

Today we are analyzing how a YouTube prankster (Russian) became an influencer. His YouTube videos have more than 1.6 Billion views. He has seen the absent flows of money.

A decade ago he worked as a garbage collector for a short period. It’s an inspiring story of rags-to-riches. When he was 18 he collaborated with an adult prankster Diomand Kitty. It didn’t seem much at the time but this too helped a lot of popularity. In 2013, he released a gold digger prank video on YouTube. This was the video that firstly gained him popularity on the web. His YouTube channel – VitalyTV has some awesome pranks.



Influencer Marketing in the Age of Social Media

Magnetization strategies of entrepreneurs have evolved. The wealth of an influencer depends on: size of his audience and engagement of his audience. Brands are ready to pay fat checks to influencers whose audience shows engagement.

I’m not going to discuss much about fake followers, but there are tools to identify fake followers. Let me now disclose the secret to become an influencer like Vitaly. The dirty secret is to focus on one type of content and one type of context.

About Vitaly Uncensored

Vitaly uncensored is a membership site which includes videos not safe for works. He created a brand for himself and today he is utilizing this. His products are well-received by his audiences. The data which Vitaly has collected is a gold mine.

It goes against the YouTube policy to promote not safe for work videos. Monthly membership charges are $5. He also sells physical products to members.

vitally uncensored

How to Become an Influencer Like Vitality

Let’s first understand the two type of influencers. Microinfluecers: generally have less than 500K followers. Microinfleucers do not charge a fortune to brands. They have deep relationships with their followers. Macro influencers have more than 500K followers. Macroinfluencers charge a lot and this is the downside for brands. It’s up to brands to determine the number of fake followers. Macro and micro influencers have fake followers. But if the number of fake influencers is dispropotionally high, there’s no reason for brands to pay these influencers for sponsored content.

There’s a strong correlation between content and context. His context is all about pranks. Massages are not absorbed completely by audiences in traditional advertising. Content + contest equals great marketing. Without question Instagram helps you spread your content.

Conversations and Community

Without questions social media are important to encourage engagement.

Vitaly runs discounts on occasions like Cyper Monday.

Supporting Fans

Vitaly once created a video with Martin, a homeless man. In that video he befriends Martin and created a campaign to fix his dentures. The campaign was interrupted because of the past criminal background of Vitaly. But some brands offered to do his dentures for free.

Vitaly was arrested in 2016 and 2017 because his pranks were not welcomed by the authorities. His fans supported him during this time.


Roman Atwood and Denis Roady. It’s important to collaborate with existing influencers to become an influencer.

How to Design an Adult Membership Website

No doubt, without a feature rich membership website influencers fall flat. To stream live and record videos is important to use technology. Integrated e-commerce store: follow his train of thought you can sell adult toys and physical and digital products.

Audiences need to be able to access content from their phones. An integrated e-commerce store should help you sell adult merce. VIP membership: It’s recommended to have a free feature and if they fall in love with your website they are likely to become your paid subscribers.

Not every smartphone supports Adobe. Html5 features minimizes the consumption of bandwidth. High security: malicious attacks are common in adult sites. Hackers should have a tough time reaching the back end of your site. Work can get really hectic of there is not admin back end. PayPal is not adult content friendly, rather I suggest you to turn to CCBill.

Categories should be relevant. Proper indexing is reached if videos and photos are optimized. You can make money by selling merchandise and if you have expertise on adult managing you can sell your expertise by offering consultation in a per hour basis. A better idea is an adult turnkey CMS. xMember is on of the turnkey scripts which allows you to build a turnkey script like the one of Vitality’s.

xMember supports many video formats. Execution with xMember is about creating engaging content.

Payment Gateways

PayPal does’t allow adult transactions, so I suggest CCBill instead of PayPal.

Influencer marketing has evolved and there are costs involved. The most important costs: photographer fee, distribution costs, casting agents, casting to research and secure locations.

Influencers can demand a fortune is they have excellent video and photo skills and a large audience.

Streaming Technology

Vitaly has excellent video and photo skills.

Integrated e-commerce Store

An integrated e-commerce store can help you sell used panties of the models and other physical and digital product.

Robust Admin Backend

Work can get really hectic if there is no admin back end.

Search Engine Optimization

Every video and photo should be affiliated with multiple tags.

High Security

Adult membership sites should create a tough time for hackers to reach the back end of your site.

Monetization Options

You can make money by selling memberships, merce, and being paid by brands to promote their content.

Adult CMS

Do you think Vitaly has outsourced the creation of his website to freelancers?

There are many turnkey scripts. Here are a few reasons to use xMember:

  • It’s easy to use: right to customizing
  • It’s horizontally scalable
  • Supports multiple videos formats
  • Affordable


Execution with xMember

Step #1

Know your audience and your niche. Without your niche your content becomes irrelevant. It’s better to become a microinfleucer for a small.

Step #2

Create niche-oriented content. Upload at least two new videos every week. Ask your subscribers to comments. Ask them if your content is fitting their expectations. Grand members only exclusive access to paid subscribers. Generate content according to your visitors needs.

Step #3

Consider different marketing channels: Instagram and Facebook to publish non-adult content videos. You can also use Pinterest. A robust combination of marketing channels results into effective link building.

Step #4

Collaborate with other influencers/ Create co-branding experiences. You can exchange guest posts. You can offer special discounts and giveaways.

Step #5

Use paid media. Amplify your content by using re targeting ads and engage in cross-promotions.

Step #6

Keep track of your KPIs: conversational market share, newsletter sign ups, brand recall rate.

Contact Us

We can help you to shorten the gab between you and your audience and cultivate everlasting relationships. Happy executing. Cheers!

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