Adult Traffic Exchange: Boost Your Traffic for Free ?!

Traffic is the most important aspect of an online business. In webmaster forums you will see a lot of threads about traffic.

That’s because without traffic you cannot make sales and when you have traffic you need to know how to make it convert.


What is Adult Traffic Exchange About?

Traffic exchange websites are one way to get free traffic on your site.

Top Lists is an example of a traffic exchange website. Basically, you can put ads on their sites without paying a dime.

Don’t use TraffDAQ

TraffDAQ is another site which you can use to exchange traffic and it is very easy to set up. You can also pick specific countries that you want to receive viewers from.

You can also set the bid you want, the higher the bid the more quality visitors you will get. You can also black list domains that you don’t want.

The reason that I am not recommending this site is because lately it has became very spammy and people are using bots, I used it some time ago and I got a lot of bot views. I have heard good words about “SmartXtrade”, another site of the kind.

I used this site lately and my traffic has grown and so has the bounce rate, which I think is common in traffic exhange.

Another site for which I have heard good words is, you also get 100 free points when you sign up.

If you have experience with other sites which are working, please let us know by commenting in the comments section.

My Experience with Traffic Exchange

I get thousands of new users a day from traffic exchange. My earnings increased by 30% but my bouce rate dropped by 20% when I started using adult traffic exchange.

Of course, there are people who will do all kinds of shitty things like using bots but they get reported quickly and they get kicked out by the administrators. Overall, I think it is worth it, especially when you find people who have high quality sites like yours.


The good thing about this method of getting traffic is that it is free of charge, so why would you waste this opportunity?

An important point is to exchange traffic only with sites which are on the same niche, sending visitors from your site to sites in the same niche as yours will make them happy.

The link exchange done moderately works and it is not going to get you penalized by Google.

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