Does WordPress Allow Adult Content

If you are researching this question on the web you are probably confused by now because some sites say that WordPress allows adult content and some others say that they don’t.

It is always to be 100% sure when you start a business.

Contents vs

The confusion with the topic of weather WordPress allows adult content arises from the fact that there is a and a Some sites use only the term WordPress when talking about this topic, which arises confusion for the newcomers to the adult industry.

Well, is an open source platform which allows you to create and manage all kinds of websites, including adult one. It is free to use, however, you have to buy a hosting plan. While is a platform which enables you with a free hosting. I would not recommend using is you want to make money with your site. So, the one that I and other webmasters who are doing affiliate marketing are using is doesn’t allow adult content and if this were not enough, they do not allow you to monetize your sites. You cannot use affiliate links on a site with

I have used years ago and they put down my site only because I was giving backlinks to my other money-making sites from it. All my work went to waste. So, you can’t use to create your sites, you have to use instead. I have created a tutorial that anyone can use if they want to create a WordPress website business in the adult industry, you can find it here:

How to Start a Porn Website and Make Money in 2019: Step-by-Step Guide for Newbies

Free Adult Friendly Hosting Services

If you are a newbie and you want to get into the adult industry, there are some companies which offer free hosting programs.

Blogger used to allows adult content, but you have to put a warning before your adult content is shown to users and also you can’t make money using Blogger.

But now the three big blogging platforms (Blogger, Tumbrl and are not allowing anymore adult material and they are gradually moving away from anything related to pornography. That’s why I would suggest going after companies which are designed specifically for adult material like, HostedTube, Xlogs and

Why I Am Against Using Them

I would not recommend building your business around them as they can get sold and they are going to delete your servers suddenly like RatedXblogs.

They also will put ads in your blogs because they are in this business for the money. If you can’t afford to pay a couple of bucks a month to maintain you site to a paid hosting service, I would suggest you start with a free hosting company and transfer your site to a paid hosting as soon as possible.

With as little as $2.95 a month you can use TMDhosting, it’s adult friendly and that’s the company that I’m using to host my adult blogs and tube sites. They give you full control to your site and they don’t show pop-ups on your site.

I am not against using a free hosting for people who want to get started but have no bucks to start with, but I would suggest to better think long-term about your project.

I will give you a kind advice: stay away from free hosting services because every day you risk loosing all your work. Also, people won’t take your site seriously if they see that you are running it on a sub domain.

The reality is that there is no free hosting in the adult. It is better to invest in a hosting service which will cost you like $2 and get something in return.

Yes, you have to pay for it but it isn’t so much for what you get.

To sum it up, it’s super frustrating to use free blogs only to see your hard work go to waste after a while. I have used three free adult hosting services for my adult blogs and they are all gone by now.

They don’t even give their users a warning before selling their business and closing webmaster’s sites. So they don’t even give you a chance to save your work and transfer it to another service.

Why Use for Adult Sites

One reason to use WordPress for your adult sites instead of another platform is that there are a lot of WordPress plugins available to use which can add a lot of functions to your adult site.

The plugins that I use in my tube sites

There are WordPress plugins which allow you to mass upload videos to your porn site from the biggest porn sites, the one that I use is called Ken Importer Pro plugin, from You can upload up to 200 videos a day and you don’t need to know any coding skills with these plugin.

I have not tried other similar plugins (I know that there are a few others in the market) so I cannot compare but I am very pleased with this plugin. It can import a few hundred videos a day to your site and it has an option to mass upload videos automatically from big porn sites to your site every day or every hour. You can also choose categories of videos that you want and choose to upload only from those categories.

You can also use the KenPlayer plugin, I bought it from too. This plugin is not mandatory when starting a porn site but it improves it by removing the ads from the big porn sites that appear on your site when you embed their videos to your site.

Ken Player plugin

That’s all for this post. I hope you liked it. If you have any questions you can comment below.

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