How to Promote a Webcam Site to Get More Traffic


How to Promote a Webcam Site

Last week I published a tutorial about creating an adult webcam site and in this post I am going to guide you to promoting your webcam site.

I am going to share with you all the free methods you can use to promote your cam site, basically everything which has worked for me so you can just apply these methods.

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Free Promotion Methods

I have a lot of experience as an adult affiliate and these days cam sites are the best way to go for new webmasters. In my experience, the best way to increase your webcam traffic is to create a niche blog and post new posts regularly. Here are some methods you can do this:

  • SEO. The best way to get traffic is to post regularly new content targeting a keyword. Now, the higher quality of your content, the better. Make sure to put your keyword under which you want to rank in the title and in the first paragraph. The more content you post, the greater your chance to rank, but your content needs to be high quality or it won’t ever rank.
  • Twitter. Twitter is the best social media for getting adult cam traffic. Follow some popular cam models and create a sexy profile and write something like “watch me on webcam on”. Put some relevant hashtags. Do not promote your affiliate links directly on Twitter, put the link of your website so people will come to your website (posting affiliate links can get you banned).
  • Upload watermarked videos (with your domain) on porn sites. Watermark with your domain only on videos which are amateur and don’t have trademarks of any company, or you will get banned.
  • Post ads in your own porn sites. This one is for those who have other porn sites, you could post ads of your cam site in your niche related porn sites. (Learn How to Create Your Own Porn Site)

I also used to promote specific models on Facebook (not with nude pictures as Facebook will blacklist you), I promoted them with a picture and the domain name in the picture. The profiles would get deleted after some time, but it is very easy to create new ones. Still, I don’t like this fact, that’s why I didn’t put Facebook among the methods I suggest to use.

If I can be of help to you in any way, please comment in the comments section below and if you have something else to add which I missed in this tutorial please comment below.

My Results

I’ve created a network of adult cam sites with the Roboscript (which I mentioned in my previous post, you can find it here) and I am making $1,500 a month and I don’t even add a post or change anything.

The sites are automatically updated with new cam models who are online every 5 minutes and the sites built with this plugin tend to rank fast on the search engines and this is the best kind of promotion in my opinion.

The plugin is not free but it doesn’t cost much considering what you can do with it. The good thing is that this plugin works with WordPress and newbies can use it without having many skills. You can make money even in your first month of creating a cam site with this plugin.

I have used before some other plugins but they did work well, they send visitors to offers you don’t get paid for and their cams don’t work properly on mobile.

One of this plugins that I remember is sexplugins, and I don’t recommend this plugin, I’ve stopped using it. It was easy to install but it was buggy and didn’t update very often. I got many PHP warnings which I couldn’t fix myself. The site didn’t rank well on Google because it was very slow.

I say, don’t even bother with free plugins, they don’t work.

Creating your own cam site with Robiscript is the best way to promote cam site’s affiliate programs (like Chaturbate), it will be 24/7 filled with models performing and the live models will keep visitors on the site.

What About if a Whitelabel?

For those who don’t know what it is, a Whitelabel is a site created in collaboration with big cam site, like for example Chaturabate in which a lot of elements are similar to that site, but you can still change some other elements like the logo.

Here’s an example of a Chaturbate whitelabel:

how to promote a webcam site

I wouldn’t recommend creating a Whitelabel in the first place, because White labels don’t rank on Google, Google considers them duplicate content. But if you already have a Whilelabel you could promote it through putting ads in a porn site, if your have your own porn site you could be able to do it for free.

However, Whitelabel can be a great site if you know how to use it, unfortunately many newbies don’t use it for what it is intended to do.

Whitelabel is meant for branding, for example, if you have a porn site like, you can create a cam site on a domain like Newbies create an entire new brand for the whitelabel but people don’t’t like to be on websites which are not well-established.

I have seen a couple of White labels ranked but they are owned by big porn sites which have invested in a lot of backlinks and still they are ranked only for keywords which are in their domain.

Webcam Affiliate Programs are the Future

With the rise of high speed internet, the new type of porn people are after are live webcam shows. Live porn is the future, it makes is possible for visitors to interact with the models in real time and tell them what to do.

All you have to do to promote webcam sites is to tell the visitors about their possibility to interact. They have the possibility for private sessions with hot models. This possibility is considered priceless for the average dude.

Tell them that all they need is a high speed internet connection and the cam site will do the rest, the models do not care about how the members look like.


As you can see, you are not limited to a specific method for promoting your webcam site. You can use a variety of ways like the ones I mentioned above.

And if you think I left something out this tutorial, please share you thoughts in the comments section below.

4 thoughts on “How to Promote a Webcam Site to Get More Traffic”

  1. Excellent article. I’m diving into the webcam business as we speak. I’m currently finding ways to find girls who’re interested in cam. I’ve got the ability to generate traffic and the tech skills.

    Thank you for this post.

  2. Hello! We are the “Lust Chance” team – this is a new webcam project and we are looking for cooperation to promote our site. We are ready to discuss various options for cooperation.

  3. This blog has been very helpful thank you. I have an excellent vision and a tight grasp on the marketing. I have models to produce content under my brand. I intend to upload content on most platforms chaturbate,only fans,twitter and even PG content for tiktok and Instagram etc…I’m having trouble with the technical logistics.
    My questions are these,
    how do I organize and consolidate all the accts on the different platforms under my brand?
    Should I build a site like a landing page with links to each models acct?
    Can I consolidate and funnel payments from each acct to one?

    • If you have a big profile on Twitter it can be a good way to promote your site. Twitter is the main social media with a large audience which allows adult content. Do not promote your sponsors directly on Twitter, post links to your site and people will click on ads from your site.
      As soon as you get seo rankings, don’t spend to much time on social media as it is not so effective. You can upload webcam videos with tube site submitter.
      You don’t need to create a landing page for each model, but that would help.
      What works best for me are my own video tube sites and cam sites built with the Robo plugin on WordPress. You can build any kind of site a blog, a review sites if you work on the SEO you will sure see the money coming in. You have to build your own site on the topics of cams and work on the content. It can be anything that is good for visitors and unique. You don’t have to add models because the plugin will populate your site with them frequently.


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