A lot of people have asked me to recommend them some free adult WordPress themes and make it less costly.
Needless to say, the site desing is crucial to your sites success, it affects rankings and also conversions.
But don’t worry if you have no design experience. Building your own website business it’s not complicated at all these days. Firstly, I recommend you build you site with WordPress, it’s the best content management system out there and it’s free.
Free Adult WordPress Theme
WordPress is the easiest content management system to use.
It takes me just 15 minutes to post a sponsored content, add images, video, call to action, it’s quite efficient. One of my fauvority types of adult sites is a video blog, it consists mainly of clips even that it might have some little text.
You can find a fully responsive free adult theme for this kind of website on XWPThemes.com.
About this Theme
It has a fully responsive design which performs well on all the devices, the interface is clean and you can create any type of video site you like with it. You can import videos to your site with the xvideos Importer plugin and you can customize your site through this theme’s settings. Another important feature of this theme is that it is build for SEO.
Te theme looks pretty cool and is also easy to use. You can check the live demo of this theme on XWPThemes.com.
How to Get this Theme
Firstly, go to XWPThemes.com and choose the “XWPTube WordPress Video” theme and click on add to card. This way you will get a free theme. This is a limitted offer so hurry up.
This is not going to be as high quality as paid themes, but you can get started with this. And if you are reading this article when the promotion for this theme is over, you can do a check on the XWPThemes.com to see if there is any other promotion currently. They do promotions often and maybe you will find another theme for free.
More Free Adult WordPress Themes
You can also find adult WordPress themes on this site: http://www.adultsiteskins.com/.
How to Use Their WordPress Themes for Adult Video Tubes
To add a new video to your site, go to Posts/All Posts and write the title of the video. Paste in the text format the video’s html embeded code and write a description. To add the video’s thumbnail add your desired thumbnail by clicking on “Add a featured image”, which is on the right botton corner.
The Paid Ones
If you can afford it, my suggestion would be to go for a paid theme, as they are better than free one. I have written e blog post which describes the best adult themes for WordPress.
Want to get started in the adult niche? Then read the article recommended above.
The theme that you use in a website is important but I strongly believe that the most important site is content. So, if you are on a low budget you can get started with a cheap them, but high quality content and step-by-step win this game.
So, I recommend you to get started today with a free theme and when you have money you buy the kenplayer-transformer plugin to hide ads from big sites and connect with tube sites.
It is one of the best plugins out there.
If you would be willing to pay for a better theme, however, I would recommend ZingTube or the YameTube theme, I use the ZingTube myself. I like it because it is a fully responsive theme and it is easy to use.
If you experience any problems with the theme installation or anything else comment below or contact XWPThemes support.