Hub Traffic Review: How to Use Hub Traffic


Hub Traffic Review: How to Use Hub Traffic

Hub Traffic is a way to monetize your adult site. After your porn site is more than two months old and gets a decent amount of traffic per day you can start monetizing it.

I decided to write this review of Hub Traffic as I noticed that there is little information about their affiliate program on Google.

You can earn money with Hub Traffic by promoting their site which include big porn site like PornHub etc. It works this way: you put videos of these sites as ads on your site and you get paid when you send them traffic. The problem is that they pay you very little: about $3 for 1,000 visitors which are from the Western European counties and they pay next to nothing for hits outside of Western European countries.

Hub Traffic review

You are going to earn literally pennies with them.

I used to have a site which had like 20,000 visitors a day and I would earn only $100 per month with Hub Traffic.

Hub Traffic also has some other major problems:

1. The amount you need to achieve as a threshold to get paid is $50, but it’s not cumulative like with other programs. Which means that if you make $49 in October and $49 in November you are not going to get paid because you didn’t achieve the threshold.

2. They don’t count all the visitors you send them. If the visitor lands on their page through your affiliate link and then quickly clicks away it’s not considered. They consider the bounce rate. If you send them like 1,000 visitors only one third of them is going to count. They only count the visitors who stay in their site and watch videos.

Better Alternatives

I used Hub Traffic in the past, but I don’t use it anymore as there are better ways to monetize adult traffic. I use CrakRevenue which has all kinds of adult offers you can choose from to promote and Chaturbate which is very popular these days due to the good interface for users to sign up and high affiliate earnings. CrakRevenue offers and Chaturbate can make a lot more than Hub Traffic.

And most honest reviews about Hub Traffic online are negative ones (apart from those which are paid reviews). I have read reviews that say that some affiliates got banned and some didn’t even receive a reply. I guess they don’t bother with small affiliates. And there are cases in which small affiliates never received their payments.

I think you shouldn’t even bother with Hub Traffic since you don’t make a lot of money even if you bring them a good number of visitors.

If you are getting a lot of organic traffic I say don’t sell it for small dollars, use affiliate programs to monetize it instead. If you get traffic from social media sites like Reedit you can give them a try but I wouldn’t bother with them since they pay you like 3 dollars with one hundred visitors from the first tier countries as I mentioned earlier in this review.

Some adult webmasters use Hub Traffic because they can import videos with it. By you can import videos from tube sites without working with Hub Traffic.

My Advice

My advise is to test which adult offer works best with you traffic. You never know it if you don’t try different sponsors. I also advise you to create a simple site, possibly with a theme which was made especially for adult tube sites.

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