Roboscript – Webcam WordPress Plugin to Build Your Own Adult Cam Site with WordPress (Less than $50)

With the rapid decline of porn pay sites more adult affiliates are starting to promote cam sites. It’s a well known fact that ‘live porn’ is one of the most searched terms.

In this post I am going to review a plugin with which you can create your own adult cam site with Wordrpress. But before using this script you need to buy a domain name and a hosting package. One domain provider that I recommend is NameCheap, they are totally OK with adult domains and they will never ban you.


About Roboscript

If you were to create another cam site like LiveJasmin you would need to hire a lot of models and invest a lot of money. I used to promote the Ecofirmo plugin on this site, but a lot of affiliates have been experiencing problems, but I have found another solution to which is the Roboscipt theme and plugin.

You can use the Roboscript to create a site with WordPress and you can change the cam rooms titles and descriptions in the same way that you edit your WordPress posts. If you purchase this theme you can use it in as many sites as you like. Roboscript has a very intuitive panel where you can change everything and after you install it, it will populate your site with live cam models.

I have to admit that they have done a very good job with this plugin as it ranks very good in Google and other search engines. The reason why should not create a White label is that Google doesn’t index these sites because they don’t have any unique content. While with Roboscript you can change the descriptions of the room. If you create a Chaturbate White label you are limited to promoting Chaturbate only, which with an independent cam site with Roboscript you can promote as many affiliate networks as you like.

What Can You Do with Roboscript

When I started my site with Roboscript I was surprised how much money I made in my first month. Adult webcam affiliate programs are the future and this is the best way to promote them. I never really knew how easy it was to create an adult webcam site. You can really create a site on autopilot and you don’t have to do much work on it like with a tube which you have to update every few hours. Before discovering Roboscript, I spent a lot of money to create a cam site with a high expensive script.

Building your site with Roboscript is much safer and cheaper to create. I have been using Roboscript and it is quite good and easily customizable. I am really impressed with this plugin. If you have any issues with setting up your cam site, then ask in the comments.

I had tried WhileLabels in the best but I won’t able to rank then in the search engines. I have been adding some post to my adult webcam site and I saw the traffic increase rapidly. Some written content will show Google that your site has some uniques. It is possible to rank well on Google. It still needs some hard work but with this plugin you are ahead of your competitors. If you are new and you don’t known much about managing adult sites, keep adding new content, unique titles and some text along with it.

Then you can focus on getting some back links. You can also read my complete guide on adult SEO. After building your cam website you have to focus on getting traffic to it. It is the same way as with any other site. You can use social media sites, but the best way is organic traffic. You can also use your other sites, if you have any to drive traffic to it. But do not limit yourself to only one method of promotion.

Basically, the website itself should get organic traffic, but you have to do some SEO. One of the sites with Roboscripts made me $500 a month without much work. You can check out this article on how to promote a cam site.

Monetizing Roboscript

You can promote the biggest cam site networks like Chaturbate and Crakrevenue.

This script will populate your site with live webcam models from Chaturbate and other big cam sites. When visitors of your site will click on any of the cam shows and try to interact with the models, they will be require to create an account. When they will create an account they will be really signing up to the big cam site and you are going to make money with the cam sites affiliate programs.

The cost of creating a site with Roboscript is really cheap, all you need is a hosting and a domain and this script.

Check RoboScript


  • Works with WordPress
  • Able to embed cam sites from the biggest cam sites
  • Able to embed cams only related to a keyword, so you will have a niche site, for example you can choose to embed only cam with fucking machines
  • Spin titles and descriptions tool, it is not as good as a hand written content, but I have seen sites doing very well on Google
  • The Robo has a WordPress plugin and it is not that hard to use
  • You can create a separate blog

Pros & Cons


  • The owner is very helpful if you need help from him, you can contact him
  • Robo is easy to use
  • The multi cam site can go niche, we all know that the riches are in the niches
  • The bounce rate with the script is quite low because most of the people watch the video for some minutes and then click to interact with the model
  • Make mid three figures every month as a newbie in the adult industry
  • They keep improving the scripts
  • Make money with only a couple of work hours a week
  • Be able to get organic traffic


  • The script itself will automatically spin the titles and the descriptions of the live cam sites, this is not as good as human written content, but you can edit the titles and descriptions as much as you can

Please let me known if you have any other questions. To get in touch with me you can contact me in my email address:

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it better to start a cam site or a porn tube site? It will depend on what you prefer. With the cam site with the plugin it will automatically update your site with the models. You can also build a cam tube. The content management system is for free and you won’t need anything else.

How soon will I see results after I start the site? There are too many variables that should be taken into consideration, so I can not tell you for sure.

Do I have to register the company or what would be the benefit if I did? You are building a site with just embedding their live streams. Make sure to sign up with the adult programs thati recommend. You do not need to start yoru own company.

Check RoboScript

4 thoughts on “Roboscript – Webcam WordPress Plugin to Build Your Own Adult Cam Site with WordPress (Less than $50)”

    • With Roboscript, you won’t be able to do that, but there’s another script with which you can have your models from Chaturbate and other cam sites and also hire your own models, it’s called xShows

  1. How much it pays to buy webcam script is questionable, if the purpose of this is to create a website as chaturbate,.. they already offer an entire website in the ”White Labels” affiliate program option,..they even host the website on your purchased domain – for free. And in general, I would personally recommend it when someone come across a great adult script…no matter how good they are, they won’t bring you a dime, if you don’t have A LOT of traffic on the website. And A LOT of traffic is very hard to get, especially from google, search engines…and if one day you really manage to create a site, which will have a tons of organic traffic daily from search engines, is easy to make money from it…as with high traffic you get also tons of options available to make $ with a website, adult or non adult, does not matter.

    • The Whitelabel websites that chaturbate and some other cam sites offer is not good for getting ranked on Google. No matter the efforts of SEO that one can do a whitelabel site can not get ranked as it contains duplicate content. While the advantage of the Roboscript is that a site with Roboscript can get ranked on the search engines. It has already integrated on it a software to spin the titles and descriptions of the cam rooms so that they will not be the same as on chaturbate and any other chaturbate whitelabel.
      One can also manually change the titles and the descriptions of the cam rooms to make them better for SEO and a site with Roboscript will get ranked on the search engines.
      People are making money easily with Roboscript and I recommend it


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